Forest School Teacher Training

Forest School Teacher Training  - Level 3

Congratulations to our first cohort who completed their five days of practical sessions during May half term!

There will be a new course coming soon.

Co Adventurers offers an accredited course to teach adults how to deliver Forest School programmes. This is led by qualified Forest School Instructors and takes place in a log cabin in the grounds of Marpool Primary School in Exmouth. 

The course costs £1350 including VAT. The course includes five days of intensive practical tuition, self-study modules, practical assignments and coursework to be completed within six months.

Successful candidates are awarded a Forest School Leadership Certificate Level 3 which enables them to run their own Forest School or work as a qualified Forest School leader in an educational institution.

Contact: for more details.

Recent Reviews:

“I found the course very informative and I was able to learn a range of new skills from supportive instructors.”